Echoes of Apartheid. Docuseries about the „white genocide“ in the Republic of South Africa
This five-part series is following the stories of victims of farm attacks as well as the stories of victims of general violent crime in the country.
English voiceover: Heather Marwick, Alex Went
Translation: Michaela Freeman
Sound design: Adam Voneš
Dramaturgy: Daniel Kupšovský
The Internet is ocasionally flooding with news about the “white genocide” that is supposed to take place in the Republic of South Africa, a country of 58 million, where ten percent of the population is white. Approximately half of the white people there are Afrikaans, descendants of mostly Dutch immigrants, who arrived in South Africa in the second half of the 17th century.
The unsettling news about the white genocide mostly refers to white farmers who are allegedly strategically murdered by the black people, who are the majority of the population.
Bringing an end to apartheid
In 1994, black cast the first democratic vote next to white people, bringing an end to apartheid. Apartheid was the regime during which the white minority dominated all other groups, fell after nearly 50 years.
Čtěte také
During apartheid, the individual races – black, white, Indian and colored, meaning people of mixed race – were forced to live separately and the apartheid government systematically disadvantaged all non-white people: black, coloured and Indian people.
The „white genocide“, allegedly taking place now, is rumored to be revenge over this period of oppression.
Extremists on both sides
This five-part series is following the stories of victims of farm attacks as well as the stories of victims of general violent crime in the country. It discusses the internationally discussed topic of land reform and it brings stories of victims of hate, that cloud this issue, as well as the views of numerous experts. It also follows the steps of extremists on both sides, that are fueling the conflict.
Pohrobky Apartheidu. Dochází v Jihoafrické republice k „bílé genocidě”?
Pětidílný dokuseriál přináší příběhy obětí nenávisti doplněné o pohled odborníků i aktivistů. A dotýká se i pozadí chystané pozemkové reformy.
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Václav Žmolík, moderátor

Zmizelá osada
Dramatický příběh viny a trestu odehrávající se v hlubokých lesích nenávratně zmizelé staré Šumavy, několik let po ničivém polomu z roku 1870.